Developing self-confidence might sound, to many, like an impossibility. Some people seem flawless, whereas you might be all too focused on yours. However, the truth is that no-one is as unerringly self-assured as they might appear. They practice self-confidence. The practice it with their mind as well as their body. These two factors, expanded below, are the keys to starting to feel good about yourself.
Develop your style
Style is something that is a recognisable signifier of self-confidence. If you care about yourself, you care about how you present yourself. Developing a style of your own means getting to know your own tastes and what fits the shape of your body. It doesn’t have to be all that difficult, either. You start by picking out the staples of a wardrobe, like that white shirt and pair of jeans. Then from those staples, you start looking at items of clothing to match and contrast them. Accessorising is a smart way to finish most outfits, too.
Dress for the occasion
Naturally, context is everything to fashion. Nothing feels more uncomfortable than showing up to a social occasion dressed inappropriately. Don’t put yourself in that position. Make sure you have the outfit for every occasion. A suit for formal and professional occasions is a must in any man’s wardrobe. The smart casual look is well recommended for dates and other times when you need
to look sharp but not overdressed. You shouldn’t ignore certain kinds of clothing just because they don’t fit your regular style. Be fluid with fashion.
Don’t let your food crash your looks
It’s possible to feel confident with almost any kind of body shape. Fitness is important for a lot of reasons, but there is no shortage of husky or slender guys who feel confident and appeal to whom they want to appeal. When it comes to your looks, food can sometimes be the more important of the factors that contribute negatively to your appearance. Greasy food is a key behind spots and unhealthy, skin for one. There are other foods that can make you look older than you are, too. It’s best to avoid processed and eat whole food ingredients when you can.
Yes, skin care is for men, too
A lot of guys stigmatise steps like skin care as a part of your routine. These same hypocrites will usually put a lot of effort into their hair and body. Looks matter and your skin is a big part of those looks. A lot of guys with dry skin will feel self-conscious at the beach because of it. Don’t let your skin ruin your good times. Get it under control. Know whether you have normal, oily or dry skin and seek out the appropriate products for it.
Own your smile
When it comes to confidence and looks, teeth can be a touchy issue for a lot of guys. Whether because of bad oral hygiene habits or lots of harmful foods like sugar and coffee, a lot of people lose confidence in their smile. They don’t like to think about it. But they might not be aware of just how much they’re able to do about it, themselves. Besides brushing, flossing and mouthwash, you can take steps to whiten your smile. Whether it’s with whitening strips or even incorporating the right things into your diet.
Don’t lose your head
Of course, another touchy subject for some is the problem of hair loss. When it comes up, there are a lot of ways that guys will address the issue. Some will shave their head and get it over with, others will start looking at toupees. However, there’s a lot you can do to fight that hair loss. For instance, Propecia tablets help stop hair loss. Applying natural oils, warmed up, can also give your hair more moisture, meaning it’s less likely to break off. You don’t have to take hair loss as a given.
Let your body speak for itself
Self-confidence isn’t all about how you look, either. It’s about how you feel and communicate. We read confidence semi-consciously most of the time. If you’re feeling unconfident, your body language might be giving you away. Adopt more confident body language and spend more time looking at the people you’re talking to. Not only will it make you seem more confident and get you better reactions in conversations. It actually triggers feelings of confidence. ‘Power stances’ and their benefits aren’t a myth. Pay attention to your posture. Make sure you’re not slouching.
Fake it till you make it
Body language is just part of the approach of building self-confidence by practising it. Believe it or not, just pretending to be more confident can easily blossom into real self-belief. One of the methods of practising this belief is the idea of confidence visualisation. Next time you’re starting to doubt yourself, think about what a hypothetical someone would do. Ask yourself ‘what would someone who totally believed in themselves do?’ then do it. Treat yourself and these methods as a social experiment. Test the reactions of others involved and remind yourself that you’re doing this to see if you get a more positive response. Don’t put too much stock into things.
De-stress yourself
Stress and anxiety are going to play a huge part in how confident you feel. If your body and brain are riddled with stress hormones, you will tense up. Not only will it show, but you will feel it showing as well. So, next time you’re going out somewhere, take the time to de-stress. Meditate and practice some breathing techniques. Remind yourself that ‘the worst that can happen’ isn’t the end of the world. Of course, healthy eating and proper sleep are important factors of fighting stress as well.
You need to work on both the physical and mental side to truly appreciate the benefits of growing self-confidence. Take care of yourself and be more mindful. Then you’ll find it a lot easier to relax and be the confident self you want to be.
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