Substance use addition is a complex condition, and people often have many assumptions about it. Common misconceptions about addiction. Some believe, someone suffering from an addiction can no longer get better or that it’s all a state of mind, is widespread and prevalent among the majority. Most of the time, these statements are untrue and only add to the stigma surrounding the disease. This can make it harder for individuals struggling with substance addiction to seek help and complete their family and friends lose hope.
It is essential to separate the myths from the facts. Perpetuating false information regarding addiction only makes it more difficult for those affected to seek treatment, whether it’s getting rehab services in your local area or traveling somewhere else like a Tampa drug rehab facility.
To help shed some light on the matter, here are some common myths regarding addiction that aren’t true.
1. Addiction Is a Matter of Personal Choice.
Some people believe, individuals who suffer from substance abuse made a conscious decision about the addiction. The National Institute of Mental Health recognizes substance use disorder as a mental disorder, which means the problem lies in their brain’s activity and not in their behavior. Although those people may have voluntarily used drugs or drank alcohol initially, getting addicted is not part of their plan. It’s important to know that these substances have addictive properties that influence their inability to control their drug or alcohol use.
2. Addiction Only Happens to People with Troubled Personal and Professional Life.
This disease can happen to anyone. It doesn’t target the unemployed or those with less personal relationships. People often believe that those who have problems with their finances or family life are more vulnerable to substance addiction, but this is not always true. As a mental illness, it doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, regardless of their gender, age, social status, or family, or profession. There have been cases of addiction in individuals aged 12 and up and those with full-time employment.
3. Abstinence Is the Best Way to Treat Substance Addiction.
While abstinence may be part of their treatment, it’s not the only way to treat substance addiction. Every individual has different levels of addiction; therefore, their treatments also vary. There are other factors to consider in their treatment program, including the types, amount, and frequency of substances used. Initially, when they enter rehab, they need to undergo medical evaluation so healthcare professionals can recommend the best course of treatment. In most cases, it will involve medication and behavioral therapies. The medicines will help relieve any pain from withdrawal when they remove traces of the substances in the patient’s body. At the same time, behavioral therapies allow the person to discover what drove them to drink alcohol or use drugs in the first place.
4. Once They Enter Rehab; Their Addiction Will Be Completely Treated
Substance use disorder is a chronic illness like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, requiring long-term recovery. It has no single cure but can be managed through multiple treatments. In most cases, individuals will need to commit to a healthier lifestyle to stay substance-free. Additionally, a residential program is just one of the types of treatment available. In mild conditions of substance abuse, an outpatient program could be recommended for recovery.
5. You Have to Voluntarily Get Treatment to Get Better.
No individual seeks treatment on their own. They may have been ordered by the court to do so or because their loved ones encouraged them to receive treatment. Also, there is no proof that those who agreed to enter rehab have a better chance of recovery than those required to do so. Instead, experts believe that the success of the treatment relies on addressing the underlying cause of the addiction. This means going through multiple therapies to discover their triggering factors and learning new and healthier ways to deal with them. For example, if they avoid feeling sad by drinking alcohol before, they may replace this behavior with exercising to naturally lift their moods.
6. Once They Relapse, They Have No Chance to Recover.
Recovery is a lifelong journey, and there will be challenges along the way, including relapse. It is a recurrence of symptoms, but it does not mean that their treatment fails. This only means that they may need to review their recovery plan or consider additional treatments if this happens. To prevent or lessen the chances of going back to old habits, most medical professionals advise patients to prepare an aftercare program such as attending support group therapy sessions or low-intensity outpatient treatment programs.
The myths surrounding substance addiction are often false and shouldn’t be the only source of information for understanding this illness. There is always hope for those battling substance addiction. There are various treatment centers available in the country that can help people overcome their condition. For those struggling with substance use disorder, it is always best to consult a doctor to find out how they can find a way to overcome their condition.