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5 ways to protect your home from burglars
As much as we’d love to live in a crime-free utopia, this sadly isn’t the case. In the US alone, over 3,000 burglaries are happening...
Must-Have Apps to Keep You Entertained at Home This Winter
Most of you will be used to staying home a lot more after the year the world has gone through, but due to the...
Five Things to Consider in Protecting Your Home
Five Things to Consider in Protecting Your Home
When you invest a great deal in making your home your palace, it’s understandable to want to...
Have a Smart Home Set up? Here’s How to Keep It Safe From Hackers
If you’re like lots of guys around the country these days, you’ve invested in a variety of internet-enabled devices for your place. You might...
7 Home Renovation Trends in 2016 to Consider for Your House
Personalisation is a major game changer in home renovation trends this year, but this option should be out of the question if you’re planning...
Security Options For The Gadget Loving Guy
Our homes these days are fast becoming very digital. With flat screen televisions that connect to the internet, to video calling and coffee that...