Personalisation is a major game changer in home renovation trends this year, but this option should be out of the question if you’re planning to sell in the next few years. If you aren’t, then go for it, as these seven home renovation trends to consider for your house in 2016 are screaming for you to do!
1. Home Extensions
The number one trend for some time now, home extensions increase living space and enhance property value like no other home renovation project. Having said that, the home extensions chosen must suit the property and they must also have the effect of increasing usable space. Building renovations in Perth frequently include an extension or conversion of a space as this represents an excellent opportunity to both upgrade and expand.
2. More Natural Light
Increasing the amount of natural light that enters the interior of the property is very advantageous for many reasons, and like extending or converting an interior area of the home, this can be achieved as part of a home renovation project delivered by Addstyle Master Builders. Natural light also helps to create the impression of greater space in the home and makes it brighter and airier.
3. Expansive Kitchens
Kitchens have been increasing in size for some time now in new properties and the prevailing trend is for open, expansive kitchens illuminated by a combination of natural light and spot lighting, the preferred choice of interior designers in 2016.
With kitchens expanding in modern homes, the need for security is paramount. That’s where a complete home protection warranty is essential, offering reassurance that your kitchen appliances are covered in case of any damage or malfunction.
With kitchens expanding in modern homes, the need for security is paramount. That’s where a complete home protection warranty is essential, offering reassurance that your kitchen appliances are covered in case of any damage or malfunction.
4. Flow Between Indoors and Out
Opening the area between the kitchen and dining areas indoors and the immediate area outside, whether a patio or a verandah, has been a popular home renovation trend for some time now. This is a trend that’s here to stay, so consider renovation projects that use outward-opening or hinged glass doors to lead onto the patio from indoors to create a fantastic living and entertaining area.
5. Deeper, Moodier Colours
With some amazing dark colours, especially blues and purples, just released from some of the leading names in interior paints, going dark and moody with some deep colours, often accentuated with flashes of lighter and metallic colours, is an option that many homeowners are considering.
6. Natural Bathrooms
Bathrooms given the natural treatment with timber finishes and treatments is a popular trend in 2016. Combined with natural illumination, another popular project a home renovation expert can assist homeowners with, this delivers a fantastic effect that lightens and brightens.
7. Granny Flats
The opportunity to add a second dwelling is an excellent opportunity for homeowners. Granny flats can be rented out to paying tenants, used as guestrooms and kids’ bedrooms and so much more. There’s little wonder as to why this is such a popular home renovation project.
To sum things up, the home renovation trends to consider for your house in 2016 include home extensions and granny flats that deliver greater space and add serious value to properties, spacious kitchens and natural bathrooms with plenty of natural light, a flow between indoors and out, and using dark, moody colours accentuated with playful splashes to create a fun, frisky effect.
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