Home Fitness Niacin Benefits and Side Effects

Niacin Benefits and Side Effects

When it comes to fitness and bodybuilding it is important that you are able to perform optimally, otherwise you run the risk of wasting valuable time at the gym. Luckily there are ways to enable you to push yourself to the max each workout, and then reap the rewards. For example, alongside your own training efforts and protein-rich diet you could also look into trying niacin (Vitamin B3) supplementation, but what benefits will it offer you? Also, will niacin supplementation cause any side effects? Lets find out shall we?


Benefits of Niacin Supplementation

The benefits of niacin supplementation include:

  • Increased blood flow — faster delivery of vital nutrients
  • Stimulated red blood cell production — better oxygen transportation
  • An increase in HGH or Human Growth Hormone

Niacin causes vasodilation, which means in simple terms that it causes your blood vessels to widen. This is beneficial as the wider your blood vessels the more oxygen, nutrients and hormones are able to be transported to your muscles. The benefit of this is that it allows you to train harder for longer, as your stamina and endurance will see a boost. As more oxygen is transported to your brain, your focus and concentration will also improve, which will enable you to experience faster reactions and better decision making. HGH is important if you are trying to build muscle or improve your athletic ability. This is because it plays an important role in recovery, repair and muscle growth. Niacin can help boost HGH production, which in turn helps to stimulate the production of the hormone IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor). It is this hormone that helps your body recuperate after a hard workout. HGH can also increase lipolysis too, which is your bodies ability to breakdown fat, so if you want to reduce your own body fat percentage then niacin could have an impact.


Evidence of the Benefits

The ability to boost HGH levels were proven in a 2008 study that showed that using niacin could increase HGH levels by 600%. During the study 7 healthy men, between the ages of 21 and 30 were asked to take part in 2 separate cycling sprint events, with each sprint to last 30 seconds with a 240 minute rest or recovery period. The group were split into two, with the first group given 1 g of niacin before their sprints, 0.5 g before and then 0.5 g after. The second group were not given any. At the conclusion of the study those who had taken the supplement had the higher HGH levels.


Potential Side Effects of Niacin

The biggest issue or side effect of niacin is the ‘niacin flush’, which causes a tingling sensation in your face and neck. You may feel warm also, and may feel itchy with a slight reddening of the skin. While it can be irritating, this flush proves to you that the niacin is working. There is a niacin alternative called niacinamide that does not produce this flush. However, this only means that it is less effective, with fewer benefits.

How to Avoid the Niacin Flush?

The niacin flush is something that most people will experience when taking niacin, and it is perfectly normal. The good news is that it is completely harmless, and is a temporary side effect that will only last around 10 minutes before wearing off. As you get used to the niacin, the effects of the flush will reduce too. To avoid the flush it is recommended that you consider taking a small dose of aspirin alongside the supplement.

Niacin Benefits In conclusion

The proven benefits of niacin far outweigh any negatives. If you are looking for that extra training edge then you can’t go far wrong with this. If you are interested in the benefits of Niacin and want to experience these benefits for yourself then you should check out our NiacinMax Review.