Home Fitness How You Can Stay Fit and Get Paid For It

How You Can Stay Fit and Get Paid For It

How You Can Stay Fit
Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

How You Can Stay Fit and Get Paid For It

Staying fit is one of the modern crazes, how long it will last, nobody knows, but for the time being at least there are more people than ever trying to stay fit and healthy.

Whether it’s signing up to a gym on your own, with a partner, with a few mates or as part of a scheme offered by work – or perhaps you’re just doing your own fitness regime without the need for a gym membership – everywhere you look there is someone on their way to or from some kind of fitness regime.

Sales of medicine balls are booming and people are even coming into work at 9am having already completed a spinning class or a morning jog. It’s an understandable thing to be doing, especially when you consider the number of ‘scare stories’ appearing in the media or online with just about every imaginable food or drink being linked to some kind of illness at various stages according to “medical experts.”

How You Can Stay Fit
Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Some choose to get fit in the mornings before work, taking advantage of the fact that early-morning activity is good for the metabolism with some believing that it’s the best time to work out in order to either lose weight or to have the maximum impact; others just do it because they’d rather get going early in the morning so they have the evenings to themselves.

Alternatively, some look to use their lunch breaks for a quick workout to get the body moving after a long morning sat behind their desks. Of course, there are then those who go straight after work on their way home. using their free time to relieve the stresses of the day at work.

There are others who even decide that they love going to the gym or working out on their own so much that they want to ditch the 9-to-5 in favor of a more full-time approach to fitness.

In recent years, more and more people have started personal trainer courses through the likes of Discovery Learning with the aim of getting a job either in a gym as a trainer, helping people with their workouts or leading classes, or as a freelance or self-employed personal trainer, working to their own schedules and fitting in clients around their busy lives.

Becoming a personal trainer is a great way of not only staying fit, but making some money doing it. You can build up your own client base either on one-off, daily or weekly appointments, going round to their homes or meeting them in the park (or at the gym if you get a job there), and you can make friends and have fun together while pushing to get the best out of each other.

They will want to use your experiences and expertise in specific areas of health and fitness, such as healthy eating, losing weight, bulking up, cardio and so on; and these personal trainer courses are a great way of not only getting yourself into a new career that can enjoy but the experience and qualifications that allow you to provide something for everyone.

It’s a great way to keep things varied and far from the typical 9-to-5 that you left behind. Rather than doing the same job over and over again, you might take a spinning class in the morning before helping a client to lose some weight a few hours later, then a quick session in the swimming pool before lunch, some weights afterward, and then maybe a few HIIT sprints on the treadmill with your final client of the day – it can be as varied as you want it to be, your future is in your hands.

Fitness, fun, and some cash in your pocket, what’s not to like about a personal trainer course for a fitness fanatic?