Getting the right electrical supplies is crucial, whether you are building a home or office from the ground up or you are simply looking for a few replacement electrical components. Take lighting, for example. You need the right type of lighting for whatever purpose you have, be it for accent lighting, more specific direct lighting, exterior floodlights, or other applications.
LED lighting has already become a popular choice – perhaps the most popular choice – for numerous home and business owners in the country. After all, LEDs are known for their energy efficiency and their superior lifespan compared to the more traditional incandescents or fluorescents. But how do you determine which type of LED light is the most sufficient for your purpose? Here’s a guide to some lighting terms which you should know about concerning LEDs:
CCT is the Correlated Colour Temperature, which is basically the measurement that is made use of in order to describe the relative appearance in colour of a particular source of white light. Additionally, the Correlated Colour Temperature is an indication of whether a source of light may appear bluer or more yellow/more orange/more gold based on the range of ‘white’ shades. Correlated Colour Temperature is measured in Kelvins. For example, a light that has a CCT of 2700 Kelvins is considered warm, while a light that has a CCT of about 5000 K is considered cool. If you are looking for indoor lighting for your home, office, or business space, one of the most popular choices is warm, which is from 2700 to 2800 K.
CRI stands for Colouring Rendering Index, a term which refers to the quality of the actual light as well as its ability to render various colours in the proper way, which also helps us perceive or see the colours the way we know or remember them. For many types of lighting, the ideal Colouring Rendering Index is 100, and it has been known that a few incandescent lights have been able to almost reach this plateau. But what you should know is that LEDs make use of a variety of components in their design in order to reach the Colouring Rendering Index of incandescent lights. LEDs have typical Colouring Rendering Index ratings ranging from 70 – 95.
- Lumen
You may already be familiar with the term ‘Lumen,’ as it is most associated with lights, especially LED lighting, but what do you really know about it? As a matter of fact, a Lumen is a unit for the standard measurement that is used to illustrate the amount of actual light in a particular area, as seen by the naked eye. The higher the lumens of the bulb or light, it follows that the brighter its light. You can make use of lumens to make a comparison between the brightness of one light source and another – so the measurement of lumens is equal for LEDs, incandescents, fluorescents, and so on.
Whatever electrical supplies you need – whether you are looking for LED lighting, timers, fuses, sockets and switches, heaters, and more – you should source your requirements from good electrical wholesalers such as Recon Electrical who can give you expert advice, assistance, and the highest quality products you can get.
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