Moving house has been considered one of the most stressful activities to do. It has, in fact, been rated as the top of the list of lifetime stress, worse than divorce. If you’re in Quebec or Montreal, then it could be even worse as over 10% of these cities move homes on Moving Day, which is July 1st, when most leases across the country come to an end.
To reduce the stress involved in moving house, there are a number of simple things that you can do, or at least consider.
The gas, water, and electric services need to be available when you need them, and you will need to have planned this well in advance. There is nothing worse than moving in and not being able to have a hot shower and a hot meal after a long move. This one is also a double-aspect task in that the previous home’s utilities need to be shut off and your accounts closed or transferred. Find out who the current supplier is before you finalize a move-in date.
Food for the first day
As briefly mentioned above, make sure that you have the right type of food; no one wants to be making a full meal on the first day in unless you are super organized, so plan ahead and have something simple available that can just be popped in the oven…pizza perhaps. During the move itself, you want to be eating high protein and fiber with lots of water to boost energy and keep you hydrated, respectively.
Entertainment/television and internet connection
These will be key on your first day in a new spot. If you cannot arrange it beforehand, then make sure that you have data, and a reliable connection to either watch your favorite shows or to be able to play your favorite online games to relax after the move.
Insurance for the move
If you are moving your worldly possessions yourself, then make sure that you have insured them for the move, and if you hire a professional mover, then make sure that you have seen the firm’s insurance so that you know your goods are safe and if anything happens you will be covered.

It always seems easier than it actually is, yet during a move, it’s always a good idea to have an extra set of hands available to help. Regardless of whether you think you can pick something up on your own, the long-lasting damage that can be done by a slip is not worth the time saved in rushing a move or money saved from not using a removal company.
The trend in Quebec is to plan a move at least six months ahead if you need to do so on moving day. In other cities, you must still plan ahead but will be able to be a little more flexible depending on your lease end date. If the five above aspects of the house move are considered, then it is highly likely to be less stressful and more relaxing.
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