Does your man have enough pockets for his stuff? With everything that needs to be carried these days, I don’t think pants have enough pockets. We carry keys, cell phones, wallets, lip balm, and whatever you might need. With the summer coming around, concerts, hiking, travel, and amusement parks are back in full force. During the summer, I always have trouble finding enough pockets to carry what my wife and I need because her outfits are missing pockets, and she doesn’t want to carry a handbag most of the time.
We spend most of our time using our phones, just like our laptops. Phone companies are marking phones screens bigger for you to view your content easily. With phones getting bigger and pockets are still the same size. This is where Bolstr products come in handy. They have stylish “man purses” for fashionable men that need more pockets.
The mini pocket is almost like a replacement for a wallet. It is the size of most wallets. But, why carry the heavy wallet in your back pocket when using a cross strap or hook to your belt loops. The carry strap even has a glasses holder, so you don’t have to stuff them in your pocket to get broken.
The Aux pocket is larger than the mini. The Aux pocket is perfect for holding your large smartphones and more. I love that it has a butterfly opening. This allows you to be organized and reach for your stuff easily and fast. This bag was perfect for my trip. I had my phone, ID, earphones, hand wipes, facemask, power cord, and more for my trip. It was so much easier to get on and off the plane, not finding what I needed before sitting down. I hate when people hold up the boarding process because they can’t find what they need. The bag was perfect. I made sure everything was back in the bag, and I was ready to get off the plane. The cross strap made it so easy; I just put it on, grabbed my carry on and I was off the plane, ready to vacation.
The Small carry is perfect for both men and women. You would think it looks like a women’s crossover bag but made to last. My wife has already claimed this bag. This bag is perfect for traveling, concerts, hikes, and more. The front pocket fits my phone and has a quick snap to open when I get a call. The main pocket is large enough for a small tablet. My normal-size IPad does fit in the bag, but the zipper but doesn’t close all the way. I love that the back of the bag has loops to thread your belt through if you don’t want to use the strap any more. I don’t mind my wife claiming this bag because I no longer have to hold a girly-looking bag when she needs me to her handbag.
Pockets are one of the must-haves in our everyday life. With phones getting larger and pants getting tighter, we need extra storage on the go. With summer here, we all need help carrying additional items for kids, partners, and friends. I hope you find your storage at Bolstr as I did.
Rush Order Tees did the shirt in the photos.