Outsourcing for Success: The In’s and Out’s of Outsourcing your Key Business Functions
Outsourcing is a growing trend among small businesses and large companies alike. The lure of having less to worry about and spending more time on things that are vital and tasks that can only be done by owners/managers is immense.
Some businesses just don’t have the manpower to deal with everything that needs to be done, and to be honest, why would business owners want to deal with everything in house when they don’t have to? Outsourcing has proved to be a huge cost and time saver across multiple industries and niches.
Given the amount of options that are available nowadays, just about any business function can be outsourced. Whether it’s a simple writing job to a freelancer in Australia or outsourcing an entire HR department to a firm that specialises in everything about HR, it’s a movement that’s gaining traction with businesses of all shapes and sizes.
Here are just a few business functions that can be easily outsourced:
Payroll Processing
Outsourcing to a company that specialises in payroll can take all the horror out of regularly paying employees and calculating vacation hours or sick days – these guys are professionals and they can do it all for you. Plus it’s likely they’ll charge you much less than the salaries you would have had to pay to an in-house team to work it out, and that’s not to mention the headaches it’ll save you in the long run.
Human Resources
If your company doesn’t hire very often, outsourcing your HR is a great idea as specialists can save you the time and effort that’s involved in the process by using Cascade HR Software and dealing with all of the paperwork before hiring an individual. It’s important to remember there are lots of functions of a HR manager and a good HR firm can manage just about all of them.
Yes, accounting is a crucial part of your business and no; you don’t have to do it yourself. In fact, you don’t even have to have a team of people working on it in-house for you. Nowadays there is so much software available, and a professional accounting firm can take care of the whole thing for you.
Online and Social Media, as well as Ecommerce
Having an online presence and being active on social media is a big part of any modern business and many companies aren’t taking full advantage of these fundamentals at all. Not only are they not outsourcing, but they’re not even doing it at all.
It goes without saying that your online presence is one of the most important parts of your business, and you’re leaving a lot of money on the table if you’re not taking advantage of it. You’re leaving even more on the table if you’re not outsourcing it as there’s just too much to manage to do a good job in-house. For example, Shopify has a commerce platform anyone can set up and run much more easily than any proprietary solution.
There are lots of outsourcing companies popping up all over the place, so make sure you do your research when looking for a company to outsource to. Make sure you will actually save money (do the math) and read reviews written by their customers to ensure the company effectively performs all of the functions that you require.