Lockers have played a significant role in keeping personal items safe while attending to other duties. In schools, for example, kids’ lockers have proven to be the safest place for children to store items like school bags, textbooks, and other personal effects. But sometimes, these kids encounter difficulties trying to access their lockers. This is why corporate organizations, schools, etc., have taken to this method.
Most of the problems are attributed to their inability to understand the workings of this piece of storage device. Some common challenges include naivety towards these lockers, inability to comprehend the mechanical mark-up, etc. Below, we have drafted some of these problems and their possible solutions. Read on.
5 Common Challenges Kids Encounter While Using Kids Lockers
Finding your Locker
You must have found yourself in that situation as a college undergraduate where you miss where your locker is situated. This happens mostly when you are new or reassigned to a new locker. You may sometimes even walk past your assigned locker without knowing it. Sometimes, the arrangement of these kids’ lockers also contributes to this confusion. So to remedy this problem, it is recommended that you mark your locker using an ink marker, or better still, a sticker will make it stand out. But if you are too reluctant to apply the above methods, use the “foot count” method. The foot count method requires identifying your locker using a specific foot count, starting from the first locker.
Difficulty Opening the Locker
Not every kid is good with memorizing numbers; some are so bad at it that they can’t even cram the shortest number combinations, and most kids’ lockers use number combination locks. So, in this situation, the possibility of forgetting their number combinations is pretty high. This can be frustrating, especially when you have your things packed inside. So, in this situation, breaking the key might be the best alternative – but you need to first consult the janitor or supervisor before proceeding. But to avoid future occurrences, it is advised that you write it down somewhere, probably at the back of your textbook, for reference purposes.
Sharing lockers
You must have seen a situation where the number of students outnumbered the number of lockers. In this case, the best alternative is to share a locker: two people for one locker. There are a few challenges surrounding this situation; the major one is an inconvenience: you will struggle to manage the small space with the other user. And sometimes, your items won’t even be safe in there because you are not the only one with the key. The best thing to do is either avoid storing important items in that locker or create a demarcation depending on the size of the locker. But because kids’ lockers are smaller, you may not create enough comfortable space that suits you. So, the best thing is to put away the important item from the locker.
Grouping in Front of the Locker
Every kid must have seen themselves in that situation where they will have to struggle with walking through an arguing crowd to access their lockers. This normally happens during the break period, when students are out of their classes and having their free time. In such a situation, those who want to access their lockers will often wait until the break time ends. Some find those locker areas more convenient and lean on them as they gist on in most cases.
This can be a worrisome situation, as most times, you might want to get important items like your medication or something from your locker only to discover that you have a bunch of gist-intrigued students to deal with. To parents whose ward suffers such fate, it will only be rational to advise them to get whatever thing they will need from the locker beforehand – because most times, excusing yourself through a crowd like that can be annoying.
Rusty Lockers
Most kids’ lockers come in metal forms and can be messy when they get old. When we say messy, we mean those brownish rusty particles that emanate when it rusts. This can be very annoying and might stain the items in the locker. So, in this case, it’s either you change your locker or repaint it (if the authorities allow it).
Finally, kids experience some other challenges with their kids’ lockers, but the ones we mentioned above are the most prevalent. But note that this doesn’t in any way discredit the relevance of kids’ lockers.
Featured Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels