Whenever a truly brilliant discovery is made, it tends to become a part of our everyday lives. Lightbulbs, electric kettles, sliced bread, all of it we don’t even think about anymore, but at the time, it was genuinely revolutionary. The mobile phone has taken a while to morph into what it has become today, but whether we proudly proclaim ourselves as offline or have made peace with our social media habit, like it or not, the mobile phone is a part of our lives.
An App to Curate Your Style
For some of us, going out shopping isn’t just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle. For others, we’d rather die. If you fit into the latter category, then a whole new genre of apps could be about to make your life a whole lot more enjoyable. Personal shopping apps ask you to take a questionnaire explaining your personal style, ask for some simple measurements and then send you a carefully curated box of items that you might like to add to your wardrobe. The premise is incredibly simple, and as with most great ideas, the simple ones tend to stick. These ready-to-wear wardrobes are becoming incredibly popular, leading to thousands of companies starting up catering to all areas of the market. Of course, whilst they were originally intended for those who didn’t feel the urge to shop, they’re an exciting prospect for shopaholics too. Getting to try on styles that you might not have picked out for yourself can be a liberating way to change up your style. When it comes to the personal touch, in this case, the smartphone has it.
Apps For Big Sports Games
When it comes time for massive sports events, some of us like to invite all of our friends around and watch it on the big screen, and some of us like to have a bet and concentrate fully. If you’re in the betting category, then the chances are you’re already familiar with a betting app or two. Betting apps have grown in popularity recently because they’re convenient and allow you to search out the best value for money. There is a huge number to choose from, so finding the one that suits you can sometimes feel like a bit of a minefield. So huge is the market that companies like SBO.net have emerged purely to do the sifting through for you. They filter companies depending on the types of bonuses they have available, as well as the operating system they’re available on and the deposit methods that they offer. Another big bonus to betting on your phone is that if in mid-play things aren’t going your way, it’s quick and easy to cash out and cut your losses.
An App To Dim The Lights
Anyone who’s ever had an argument with Alexa will know that smart home apps still have a little way to goOne of the big reasons that inventions take off is people’s laziness. Remember the sliced bread example from before? We love it because it’s just so convenient. Slicing bread takes hardly any effort, but why make any effort at all when a machine could do it for you? The same stands for the fascination with smart gadgets for the home. There are now apps that can turn off the lights for you or set you an alarm just from you telling them to do it. Being able to control your whole home with just your voice and your phone is certainly a neat trick, but perhaps it isn’t really life-changing or, in some cases, even time-saving. Lots of us have struggled to get Alexa to understand our requests and then given in and changed the channel ourselves. For these smart home apps, there’s still some work to be done.
Apps Instead of Doctors
Accessing healthcare can be difficult even in rich countries. Booking an appointment with the doctor can take valuable time out of your working day, so the ability to be diagnosed by a qualified doctor through an app sounds too good to be true, right? Wrong. Medical apps that allow people to order repeat prescriptions, complete tick forms of their symptoms, or have a video chat with a doctor are all growing enormously in popularity. If it’s possible to accurately diagnose and treat someone through an app, then it simply doesn’t make sense to spend all of that time getting to surgery, making an appointment, and getting back home again. Medical apps, when used properly, can be time-savers at least and life-savers at best. In the case of these sorts of apps, improvements can certainly be made, but this might be one of the most important app inventions of recent years.
An App to Find Your Partner
There’s almost nothing in life that feels as wonderful as falling in love, so it’s understandable that many of us want to keep technology out of it. With that said, the number of marriages between people who met online is growing rapidly. Between 2015 and 2019, 32% of marriages worldwide happened between people who met online, with a huge proportion of those meeting through dating apps. Perhaps Tinder is a little soulless for you, or Bumble leaves you feeling cold, but if these apps are bringing people together and creating meaningful bonds, then maybe they’re actually the most beautiful thing mobile apps have done for us.
Featured Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash