Slot machines are one of the world’s most entertaining activities, and you can now play them both in and out of casinos.
Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of online gaming? Whether you’re new to this exciting pastime or you might have been frequenting the online slots for a while now, either way, it’s imperative that you know a thing or two about high quality video slots. If you don’t know where to start, never fear. We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know to become a real gentleman slot genius. Read on to learn about choosing a site, building your bankroll and strategizing to win.
Overview of the Game: How it Works
By 2020, it’s expected that the worth of the online gambling market will rise to nearly $60 billion. Do you want a piece of that? Online slots are an excellent way to start. They’re easy to learn and tons of fun. But to master a decent slots strategy, you must understand how online slots games function.
First and foremost, there are a few different types of slots. The simplest are the three-reel or single-line slots games, which feature three spinning reels and one payline. These are perfect to start off as they’re simple and easy. Eventually, you may want to move on to five-reel slots, which feature five spinning reels and more than one payline — in some cases, there are 50 or even 100 paylines. Some slots games have even more than five reels, each offering a different number or symbol that could make or break you.
So, how do the machines come up with that number or symbol? Each game, no matter how many reels and paylines it has, is powered by a random number generator or RNG. This handy little piece of machinery ensures that no funny business is going on at the casino — i.e., nobody’s cheating you out of your hard-earned cash. The RNG produces numbers based on algorithms it has been programmed with and has no memory. That means you could technically win two jackpots in a row — although the odds of that happening are significantly low.
Are you curious about the RNG processes? Discover how your numbers come to life on the little screen.
What to Consider When Choosing Your Site
One of the crucial aspects of becoming a gentleman slots master is choosing the best venue to host your exploits. Not every site is created equal. You want to ensure you get the maximum advantage, which means the best deals. Choosing a site like Wink Slots to play online slots will give you the most bang for your buck because this site offers incentives like free spins, newbie bonuses and daily rewards to keep you coming back for more. These offers exist to draw you in, but they also give you the advantage when playing. So, how much do the bonuses matter?
They could mean the difference between striking out and winning big. After all, that one free spin could land you on the jackpot you wanted. But that won’t mean anything if you can’t withdraw your money. So, check the wagering requirements on the website of your choice, and above all else, make sure that your site is reputable. That means they use SSL encryption to process your data and are licensed by the appropriate authority in your area. Remember, you want to gamble the fun way, not risk your identity.
Practicing safe online gambling on your computer or mobile phone is imperative to have a great overall experience.
Progressive Slots vs. Fixed Payouts
In the online slots world, there are two kings: progressive jackpot slots and fixed payout slots. Your strategy depends on which one you play. Progressive jackpots generally allow you to win more, as they increase in value every time money is laid down. A jackpot might start at a few pounds and go up to hundreds of thousands of pounds when more people play. Often, these games are linked internationally and even globally, so the jackpot can grow bigger and bigger.
And because they offer huge payouts and the chance to win big money with a single spin, whoever wins the jackpot takes the cake, making progressives all the rage these days. Fixed-payout or “static” slots are the exact opposite. They work as they sound, featuring games with a set jackpot that does not go up or down. Normally, the jackpots in this type of game are much smaller, but in some instances, they stay high to attract more traffic.
Which game you’ll want to play depends on what type of gentleman you want to be. Both have their merits. If you only tune into the online casino world every once in a blue moon, there’s no harm in wagering your money with a progressive slots game. However, if you play daily, you might want to steer clear of progressives. They are usually much more expensive to play, and the odds of winning are understandably much lower. The competition, as well as the stakes, are too high to make progressives a viable everyday option.
Check out this quick tutorial on how to play slots and discover the biggest progressive jackpot of all time!
Unless you have a bankroll the length of your arm, you may be better off sticking to fixed-payout games. You’ll win less money but will have better odds of making small yet steady incremental increases in your bankroll. Speaking of your bankroll, you’ll need to manage that correctly as well.
Building Your Bankroll for Success
Poor bankroll management is one of the top killers of online casino fun, so take care to cultivate it well. Build it up carefully. Tend to it, nurture it and most importantly, don’t lose it at the casino. Since slots are a game of luck (remember those RNGs), slot machine strategy is mostly about building and maintaining your bankroll. To do that, you need to bet carefully.
Gentlemen, make sure to harness your bankroll management skills whenever you log on to play by following these guidelines on betting.
Use fixed-payout slots most of the time since you have better odds of winning with them. You can choose how much money you wager as well, so only bet in small increments and avoid betting the maximum. Also, choose games that have a low bet limit. Not only will this minimize the risk but it will maximize how much time you get to play.
Remember that winning a small amount is much better than losing big. Should the urge strike you to bet bigger or play a specific progressive, do it — but limit yourself. Over time, you’ll find your bankroll getting bigger and bigger. Additionally, resist the urge to bet it all in a single go, and instead, continue your course of building it up. Doing so will ensure your success in the online slots world.
The truth is, you won’t win every time. You probably won’t even win half the time. But choosing the right site and playing the right games, along with a bit of savvy bankroll management, will help make sure you break even over time. Who knows? You may be the next online casino king, so get out there and get spinning.
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