Home Health Why Go to Turkey for Cosmetic Procedures?

Why Go to Turkey for Cosmetic Procedures?

Why Go to Turkey for Cosmetic Procedures?
Photo by Павел Сорокин: https://www.pexels.com/

Turkey is one of the top ten countries for cosmetic surgeries as of late, and people from all over the world go there for tummy tucks, breast implants, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasties procedures. It is also a hotspot for hair transplants. Here’s why.

Turkey Is One of the Best Places for Hair Transplants

Turkey offers affordable prices, easy visas, and entry, and is accessible to get to from much of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The capital, Istanbul, and more than 600 registered cosmetic surgery clinics. Hair transplant in Turkey can be much cheaper than hair transplants in the States and other countries, making it a huge draw for those looking for an affordable solution to their hair loss. If hair transplant cost is a huge factor in your decision, a specialist in Turkey may be your best option.

Turkey Has the Perfect Setup for Foreign Patients

Many cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive services, such as airport pickup, hotel booking, and transportation. It also has good quality healthcare, and the hospitals accept almost any currency. Apart from going for surgery, it is also a beautiful country with a lot to see, even just in and around the capital. It’s like going on a luxury vacation while also getting a much-wanted procedure done. In addition, it has fabulous beaches, a rich culture, delicious food, and commodities. For many people, that is the ultimate combination.

Turkey Has High-Quality Care

The Turkish Ministry of Health helps to regulate hospitals and cosmetic surgery clinics so that those performing surgeries are professional and qualified. In addition, doctors are required to stay up-to-date on world-renowned technology and surgical techniques. It is a safe country that is well-regulated and takes the medical tourism industry very, very seriously.

Turkey Offers It All

You can find almost any procedure in Turkey, including:

  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Facelift
  • Breast augmentation
  • Butt-lifts
  • Hair transplants
  • Blepharoplasty

And this isn’t even an exhaustive list of all the procedures that you can have done in Turkey.

Turkey Is Faster

Generally, in other countries, you must attend several appointments before being able to schedule your procedure. In Turkey, however, the process is streamlined and more straightforward. This makes it possible to go and get done what you need to be done without having to wait unnecessarily.

Turkey Is Friendly

Turkey is an excellent option if you’re looking for first-class service and friendly staff. Hospitality and helpfulness are integral parts of Turkish culture. Turkish people are naturally warm and welcoming, and clinic staff will treat you kindly and professionally.

As long as you are polite, respect Turkish culture and customs, and avoid discussing politics or religion, you will have a lovely visit and likely meet some wonderful people, even if you are there for only a short time. Turkish people are very proud of their culture and hold it dear to their hearts. For the most part, Turkish people want foreigners to come and enjoy the beauties of their country.

Finding a Safe Clinic

As in any other country, some clinics in Turkey aren’t safe. So, how can you know which ones are reputable?

Good surgeons should be members of the TMA or Turkish Medical Association. Ask about their accreditation and certification before booking. They should be open about this information. You can also look at online reviews to help avoid clinics with many complaints. It’s essential to speak about the surgeon’s specialization, how much experience they have, and the kind of technology used in the procedures.

Some of the most reputable and safe clinics are the ones offering all-inclusive trips to Turkey, so watch for that as a sign that a clinic is safe. Be sure to take your time when vetting a clinic to ensure the best experience possible.

Featured Photo by Павел Сорокин: https://www.pexels.com/