Home Health Who Is the Perfect Candidate for All On 4 Dental Implants?

Who Is the Perfect Candidate for All On 4 Dental Implants?

Who Is the Perfect Candidate for All On 4 Dental Implants?
Image by Prosmiles

All on 4 dental implants are a specific type of implant treatment perfect for patients who require all their teeth replaced without undergoing multiple surgeries. Before this advanced technique was created, patients were required to have three separate surgeries: one for each extraction and one for the placement of the actual implants. With All on 4 dental implants Melbourne, there is only one surgery, typically a day procedure. 

 A person is a good candidate for All on 4 dental implants if they have no teeth or have not had a recent surgery within the past six months. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, those with oral cancer may not be candidates due to the tissues of their mouth being more sensitive as a result.  

All on 4 dental implants are highly recommended for those who have had dentures in the past that didn’t fit correctly or bothered them because of the constant use of appliances. The result is a natural smile and oral health that can last up to thirty years without any risk factors involved with removable dentures.  

The cost of All on 4 dental implants is typically double that of traditional implant procedures. However, the procedure is more cost-effective over time as it only requires one surgery instead of multiple ones.  

The ideal All on 4 dental implant patient must meet specific criteria so that the procedure can be successful. These criteria are essential to ensure that the procedure will yield the best results possible. 

Some of the other important things to consider when looking for an All on 4 dental implant candidate are: 

1. Diagnosis of all but one tooth needing to be replaced with implants 

2. Diagnosed with medical conditions that would prevent the patient from undergoing three surgeries at once, for example, being diabetic or having heart problems 

3. Must have healthy gums since this procedure will require gum tissues to be manipulated and cut into 

4. Be able to receive an IV sedation since this procedure requires patients to be awake for the entirety of it 

5. Has healthy jawbone density as this procedure will require the placement of titanium screws in the upper and lower jawbones 

6. Willingness to eat soft foods for two weeks after the surgery as the jaw will be tender and sore 

7. Willingness to avoid smoking as it is harmful to the gum tissues as well as the healing process 

8. If you have been told that you have an infection in two or more of your teeth, you should wait until those infections are gone before scheduling for this procedure; if there are multiple infections, it may not be the best idea to have all four implants placed at once 

The All on 4 dental implant procedure is a highly advanced technology that can yield tremendous benefits for the patient. Patients who require having all their teeth replaced can now undergo one surgery instead of multiple ones. 

Featured Image by Prosmiles