According to the urban dictionary, the beard gang is a social class of men with facial hair. The trend has led to men actually taking a keen interest in making the beard presentable. The beard, just like any part of the human anatomy, if not well taken care of will lead to the owner looking like a hot mess and unprofessional. To ensure this does not happen, the owner must have a system or what is referred to as a regimen on how to take care of their beard. Different men have different types of facial hair but 5 rules apply universally.
Rule 1: Keep It Clean – Most Important Beard Care Rule!
All beards, regardless of texture or color, require cleansing and conditioning. Cleansing is basically cleaning the hair to ensure the dust and dirt collected over time is removed. For cleansing, there are a lot of beard-specific shampoos in the market. Inquiry from shops or stores will help anyone in need to get the right beard products that suit their beard.
How to: The procedure is really simple; all one has to do is ensure they wet the hair then apply the shampoo enough to form a lather. This is followed by gently scrubbing until the hair is clean, then rinse it off with clean water.
Conditioning is what’s done to get hair easier to manage. This procedure is done by everyone but mostly left to those with coarse hair. Managing the hair now gets easier, and well as styling; hence stops one from looking like a caveman.
How to condition beard: The right beard conditioner is a must-have for this. After shampooing the hair and rinsing it, take a bit of the conditioner and rub it into the beard comb through it gently with a wide tooth comb.
The initial stages of beard growth may be a tinge problematic especially when food and drink particles collate in the developing facial hair. This might lead to severe itchiness and swelling of the skin around the bearded regions. Mastering cleansing and conditioning rituals will go a long way in helping to curb and eventually stop this problem.
Rule 2: You Need the “You” Cut
There is nothing more off-putting than a handsome man with a wrongly-trimmed beard. Imagine meeting someone and them telling you that they like your beard cut but it would have looked better on someone with a rounder face. This here is a classic example of right face wrong cut. The “you” cut is generally just the right cut to suit your facial structures. It beats logic for someone to have a beard cut that looks misplaced on your face. For this, there are various tools on the internet that can assist you to match your face to the right beard cut and avoid unnecessary embarrassment.
Such useful tools would be the beard filters on social media platforms. These will help one have a glance of what a new trim would look like on you without having to make the cut. Professional barbers may also be consulted where first-hand input is required.
Rule 3: Your Barber Can Make or Break You
This statement sounds ominous but it is true. The decision to engage a shoddy barber may ultimately lead to the “fall” of your beard regimen. Beard growth is an inevitable part of the process. A good barber will ensure your beard has the care and attention it needs will pay attention to its type and texture. Get a really good one and you will be sure to get advice on the best beard care products which are a much-needed bonus.
Proper beard maintenance may cost the owner $20 to $50 a month. Upscale barbers may charge as much as $500 for a trim. Whatever the case, there is a barber for every man’s budget. Home shaving is also an option for those who cannot afford a barber regularly or just like doing things for themselves. First-time “home-scapers” may find it difficult to get a clean cut and may end up with a bumpy chin. The skill, however, grows with experience. It is recommended that first timers also attempt the simpler trimming tasks using the best electric shaver and leave the rest to pros.
Rule 4: The Beard Won’t Keep Itself Neat
So your barber has given you an amazing cut that suits your face – this, of course, will not maintain itself. Failure to brush your facial hair will lead to the unruly and tangled look that is very undesirable. Proper care demands regular pruning even when you want to grow it out. It would also be wise to act on a plan that best suits your end game. For instance, if you want a long beard, pruning will be an aesthetic exercise. It will, therefore, suffice to snip the protruding or wayward strings of hair rather than trimming the entire beard. Men may also elect to merely keep their beards cropped to a certain size. This is a more delicate exercise which should be conducted with utmost care or by a professional.
Just like the shampoo and conditioner, a brush specifically for the beard is a necessity that cannot be ignored. It assists in ensuring any oil you use is well spread for a healthy finish to the look. Aftershave products also reduce the itchiness that occurs after a razor shave and deodorize your face leaving a fresh and stress-free facial hair experience.
There is no shame in investing in your beard. Purchasing products such as the ones mentioned above will have a positive impact on your regimen. Every time you go shopping, include a list of beard care products on your list and ensure to maintain regular use of these products.
Rule 5: Get Yourself an Accountability Partner(s)
To ensure that you’re on the right track with beard care get yourself someone or people to help you monitor the progress. The internet more specifically social media has been known to assist people document and maintain progress. Asking questions, joining groups and most importantly posting pictures may be the best way to ensure you keep on the right track with the progress you want for your beard.
Social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, which are picture-based, are useful when looking for validation of new trims or styles. You can get information on the latest beard trends, products, and even good barbers in your locality.
As a disclaimer, however, the internet has been known to have people with very diverse opinions and ideas on different topics. Ensure to sift through any advice and not just follow it blindly. If by any chance you do not find what you are looking for online, go with your gut. After all, beard care is about you and not the rest of the world.
There are many other ways a beard can be taken care of but the 5 cut across the board for most men. A beard care kit which essentially has all the products and tools listed is a must have for any member of the “beard gang”.
What does your beard regimen entail? Share your tips and thoughts on how to take care of a beard by leaving a comment below.
Author’s Bio: Alex Green is a freelance writer and just a guy who tries to follow fashion. He wants to help others follow the style and keep up with trends.