Whether it’s because you’ve found that special person or you’re just ready for something a bit more sophisticated, there comes a moment in every man’s life when he has to say goodbye to his first love: the bachelor pad. A bachelor pad is great for a certain time in life, but once you’ve grown past it, the old digs can feel like they’re holding you back. Here are 6 tips for converting your bachelor pad into something that represents you.
1. Get Rid of Old Junk
First, you need to grow up and get rid of all of that old junk that makes you look like an overgrown 15-year-old insecure boy. Make the hard decision to just dump the old junk, or at the very least, put it in storage. When upgrading your bachelor pad, be ready to throw away some heavy material, junk removal companies are a great way to get all of your unwanted junk.
2. Less Frat, More Home
Take a look around, are there items in your home that would not be out of place at the old Sigma house? If you’re hanging on to remnants of your college or party days — beer signs, shot glass collections, unframed posters, sports memorabilia, futons (especially futons masquerading as actual furniture) — it’s time to say good-bye. Swap out plastic and piecemeal kitchenware for the real stuff. Getting rid of these vestiges of the past can be hard, but once you do, your space will instantly feel more like a home and less like a bar.
3. Lighten Up
When decorating a bachelor pad, many guys tend to choose very dark colors for their walls, furniture, bedding, etc. Think about painting your rooms in a lighter neutral hue, like a light gray, plain white or mushroom. This simple color change will transform your dark, brooding space into something more welcoming and bright. You can also build your own neon sign and place it on the wall to add glow to your room.
4. No More Bare Walls
Now that you’ve refreshed your walls, it’s time to populate them. Beyond neon beer signs or dartboards, you probably didn’t get around to hanging much on the walls of your bachelor pad. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on artwork; gather mismatched frames and some of your favorite prints and photos to make a sophisticated and interesting photo wall, or hang an ornate mirror to help open up your space.

5. Update Bedding
Growing out of your bachelor pad phase shouldn’t feel like you’re giving up or giving in. Instead, embracing your more adult side should feel like an upgrade. Bedding is an afterthought in most bachelor pads, but good quality bedding is one of the small pleasures in life. Any space upgrade should include at least two sets of nice, high thread count sheets and a beautiful coordinating comforter. It’ll be a treat for you and whoever you’re sharing your bed with.
6. Add Warmth
A home, as opposed to a bachelor pad, is a cozy place to come home to, and a comfortable place to entertain guests. Adding some warmth to your home will make your space a place where people genuinely want to hang out (and not just because you’ve got the big game on). Buy a few soft throw blankets to drape over accent chairs, or, for an easy project with a big impact, install an electric fireplace. You can also opt to install an ethanol fireplace that you can get from Ethanol Fireplace Pros.
These easy updates prove that letting go of your bachelor pad doesn’t have to be a painful process. And when you’re hanging out in your new, beautiful space, sipping a drink out of a real glass by your new warm fireplace, you’ll realize that growing up isn’t so bad at all.
Featured Image by Victoria_rt from Pixabay