Considering you spend so much time on the web, it’s not a nice thought to think that you’re not safe. But considering you do dedicate so much of your time to being on the web, we feel it’s our duty to make sure that you’re being as safe as possible, by avoiding some of the silly mistakes that others make. One of the main reasons why you’re not safe on the web, is one of the very reasons that you just can’t avoid. You’re most likely inputting your data into new sites every week, whether it be a shopping site or what have you. You’ll be putting your name, email address, and whatever else they ask you. Whilst you might think this is stored securely, it’s not always the case. That’s why we want to explore why you’re not safe on the web, and how you can take some preventative actions.
Where Do You Browse?
There are some places that are really not safe to be browsing. One of them is the dark web. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s a place where you can get pretty much anything. From illegal drugs and weapons, to hitmen. That’s some of the extremes that you can purchase, it’s not all like that. It’s just a place where people go if they don’t want other people to know what they’re buying. Because the internet that we’re using now is heavily protected, and there are things like illegal drugs that you definitely wouldn’t be able to buy through it! The only thing about the dark web is that hackers can easily get your information, because there is not as much encryption. So, whether you’re venturing into the world of the dark web, or whether you’re casually browsing the normal web, we would highly recommend that you use a VPN. This is a virtual private network that allows you to have a much more secure browsing experience. Because you’re on a private network, you’re not making yourself as open to hackers coming at you from this angle. You would hope that the companies you’re using also have their own encryption on their end.
Who Do You Give Your Information To?
Who you give your information to is very important. Some of the sites you visit might be very questionable, and this can lead you down a trap from many angles. For one, if they have access to your email, they can send you hoax emails asking for details that you wouldn’t usually have to give out. If you’re ordering something and they’re not a valid company, there’s not much you can do once they’ve taken your money. Always look for the padlock sign in the corner of the website to make sure it’s secure, and you should be ok!
Preventative Measures
Preventative measure include keeping your number of subscriptions to companies to a minimum. If you have to use a checkout system and they’re asking you to sign up, most of them also have a guest login option. Doing it this way is much more secure for you, as you know they’re not going to store any of your information.
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