Home Advice Six Tips For Water-Saving Lawn Care During A Heatwave

Six Tips For Water-Saving Lawn Care During A Heatwave

Water-Saving Lawn Care During A Heatwave

Six Tips For Water-Saving Lawn Care During A Heatwave

It’s too hot across much of the world at the moment, and not only are people, pets, and wildlife suffering, but our lawn care is suffering too.

It might sound trivial, but if you take pride in your yard, staring at a lawn of dry, yellow hay is no thanks for your hard work in keeping your garden lush and green. How can you save your lawn from the worst of the sun’s fury when the heat is getting to you and your local area has likely put water-saving rules in place?

#1 Mow with care

Mow with care

Lawn care experts recommend mowing your lawn frequently but not too short. Different types of grass prefer different heights, so if you know what kind of grass you have, do a little research to find out what’s best for your lawn; but the usual advice is to set your mower on a high setting so that the grass remains 2-3 inches long. Avoid removing more than a third of your grass height at any one time, and be sure to use sharp mower blades. If you are looking for the best self-propelled lawn mowers in the industry, visit Green New Lawn for up-to-date information.

#2 Water deeply, not too often, and at set times

Over-watering is a common mistake that can cause fungus and other problems for your lawn. When you water your lawn, do it deeply enough to wet all the roots and encourage them to extend further into the soil: half an inch, or maybe an inch of water should do it. Do not do this daily: once you’ve watered it once, leave it until the grass looks dry before watering again.

The time of day you water is also important. In a heatwave, the authorities in your area may impose restrictions about the times when you’re allowed to run sprinklers, but even if that’s not the case, between 6 am, and 10 am is the best time to water your lawn. If your water is in a hotter part of the day, the water will evaporate before the roots of your lawn feel the benefit; watering at night is also discouraged because of the risk of disease. A wifi sprinkler system is a great way to water at the most efficient time of day without throwing out your own routine.

#3 Repurpose water

During a heatwave, we all use more water than usual, so try to be creative and sustainable about how you use it: water from your children’s paddling pool can easily be repurposed for your garden.

#4 Feed your lawn with its own clippings!

If it’s so hot that your lawn isn’t growing, you might be tempted to apply some fertilizer: resist! You can do nothing to make your lawn grow if it’s too stressed out, and fertilizing it will only make it use up more energy. Instead, use a mulch or mower when you cut the grass so that the clippings stay on the lawn instead of being bagged up. The clippings will provide a less intense, natural fertilization process.

Intense heat can be exhausting for you and your lawn, but follow these lawn care tips, and you should make it to the fall in one piece and still follow the water-saving rules.

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