Weddings are stressful affairs. So are pandemics. Put the two together, and you may get what seems like an impossible situation. While it is true that you may need to revise the vision you had for your wedding and that you likely won’t be able to get your dream wedding, all hope is not lost. There are ways of still having a successful and safe wedding. Yes, you read correctly. With the right planning and safety measures, you can manage to make your wedding a special day, even in the midst of a pandemic.
Some things will stay the same
Before you start worrying about all the things you can’t have as part of your wedding day, focus on what you can have. There are various things that won’t need to be sacrificed for a wedding during the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, your love for one another will still be as strong as it would be if you were getting married at any time. Your vows can be the same, and you can still have the wonderfully intimate experience of exchanging rings. Whether you opt for something small and understated or something bold – like these men’s wedding bands – exchanging rings will be a sign of you and your partner’s commitment to each to each other. Nothing, not even a pandemic, can take that away from you.
You won’t be able to invite everyone

If you were planning on having a big wedding, with extended family, high-school friends, and colleagues, sorry, but you’re out of luck. Even celebrities and members of royalty have had to do without that, although it hasn’t stopped them from indulging their taste for luxury and priceless gems. But if you’ve always dreamed of a small, intimate wedding – congrats, you now have the perfect excuse to just invite close friends and family. The smaller your wedding, the safer it is for everyone involved. Plus, there may be restrictions on how many people are allowed to gather, so be sure to research that.
Planning will be different
Most people go about wedding planning in more or less the same way. You pick a date, set up your guest list, choose a venue, send out invitations, and hire caterers and other vendors. These are the things set in stone, the things that you get out of the way for your peace of mind. However, since we are in the midst of such uncertain times, any one of these things can change at any given moment. Be prepared for certain aspects of your wedding planning that may have to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
You can have two weddings
Many people don’t want to put their wedding on hold any longer, and they also don’t want to sacrifice their dream wedding. If you’re one of those people, we have the perfect solution for you! Have a small wedding now, and a big wedding later, once the pandemic has calmed down a bit. You don’t even need to invite anyone to your first wedding – it can be as simple as going to home affairs and getting married. This way, you get the best of both worlds.
Safety precautions

Whenever you’ve imagined your future wedding, you likely didn’t imagine everyone wearing masks and standing far away from each other while bottles of hand sanitizer are lined up on the table. Unfortunately, this is likely what your wedding will look like due to the time we live in. Having a wedding that looks beautiful won’t be worth it if your guests get sick. You need to take all necessary safety precautions for your health as well as your guests’. This means masks, sanitizer, social distancing – the whole kaboodle. You might also want to screen your guests before allowing them to enter the venue. Simply ask them a few questions and take their temperatures. Like most things, weddings have had to adapt to the pandemic, and you need to consider when planning.
What about the honeymoon?
As much as people look forward to their wedding, most of them look forward to their honeymoon even more. Is there anything more exciting than escaping the daily hustle and bustle of work life to spend some time basking in your newlywed glory, preferably on an island? Sadly, that may not be possible at the moment, due to travel restrictions. Even if your country has opened its borders, your ideal destination may not be open for foreigners. If you can’t go on your dream honeymoon right now, you can always go somewhere local for a week or two and then reevaluate in the future.
Featured Photo by Jeremy Wong from Pexels