Home Advice Child Support Laws In Denver

Child Support Laws In Denver


Rates of divorce have risen significantly over the years in Denver (and all over the world). Committing and agreeing to merge your life with another person has never been an easy task. In fact, in most cases disagreements arise that lead to a divorce. Left to suffer are the children the divorced couple had. There is, therefore, a need to familiarize yourself with child support laws in Denver before thinking of filing that divorce agreement against your spouse.

Child Support Laws In Denver

But before we proceed, what is causing divorce among married partners?

Common reasons for divorce

  1.    Infidelity issues

Very few marriages survive infidelity. And if they do, not many last much longer. Few partners can stand being betrayed by their spouses without feeling resentful, hurt or disappointed.

  1.    Financial issues

Money has always been a touchy topic to discuss.

Remember the ‘quote money can’t buy happiness’? Well, what they might not have told you is that money cuts across almost every aspect of your lives as a couple. And in most cases, it is one of the causes of disagreements in a family.

Many couples find it difficult on how their finances are going to be shared. Even a petty issue such as an unpaid phone bill can stir up conflict in the relationship.

  1.    Lack of meeting expectations

We can’t fail to talk about how some partners get into relationships with some unrealistic expectations. Be it financially, intimacy or emotional expectations, this always creates pressure for your spouse.

  1.    Abuse

Feeling offended and injured? Never having the right stuff? Treading on eggshells? If these types of things reflect your relationship, then you might be undergoing some form of abuse — be it mentally or emotionally.

Abuse crops in when love and respect fade in a relationship and has caused a significant crisis in many relationships.

What is the aim of child support?

The aim of child support is not to cover each and every expense used by the child. But rather it’s to provide the basic needs which will lead to a healthy upbringing of the child. Therefore the parents are expected to share the costs incurred in raising the child.

Now let’s take a look at the child support laws that you need to know after a divorce.

The duty to support a child in Colorado is grounded on the fact that the couple owes a financial commitment to their child. The duty to pay support to the child is the right of the child whose parents have divorced. Take note, contrary to a common misconception, it is not the right of the parent receiving the child, but it’s the child’s right.

There are some guidelines developed in Colorado that provide the circumstances the child support is to be provided.

How to determine the amount of child support

Here are some of the factors that are considered by a court during determination of a child support amount.

  1.    The finance status of the youngster;
  2.    The finance status of the custodial parent;
  3.    The way of life the youngster would have delighted in had the marriage not been broken up;
  4.    The physical and emotional state of the youngster and his or her instructive needs; and
  5.    The money related assets and necessities of the noncustodial parent.

The above are some of the indicators of the child support required to be paid by the noncustodial parent.

Can child support be waived?

A common question by many but the answer is no. This is to ensure that child support is enforced to the maximum and there are no loopholes to the rules.

What if the amount of child support required is too high?

Assumptions are made that the amount calculated for the child support are fair. However, you can always ask for a deviation and convince the judges that the amount is not fair.

What about modification?

A modification is possible upwards or downwards. You must, however, convince the court that the child deserves it.

In other instances, it is provided due to a sudden change of circumstances. For example, an issue such as the loss of income can be a reason for granting the modification.

What if I go bankrupt?

Cases where a parent can’t manage the cost of the upkeep for the child since they have too many bills or insufficient extra cash subsequent to paying for their expenses are not justified exemptions for the child support.

Taking into consideration all these factors, the court has the discretion of determining the appropriate child support.

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