Getting a job offer after a long stretch of unemployment is truly fascinating. A feeling of pride and relief sets in because now you will have a source of income. However, there is more to a job offer than the salary. Before you rush to accept that job offer, it is best to take some time to consider other things that come with the job offer.
Do not make a snap decision that you will come to regret later. The last thing you would want is to work in a toxic work environment or be fired because the company’s share prices are crumbling.
Here are things you should know about before accepting that job offer.
1. Company’s Culture
A company’s culture is determined by its belief, values, habits, norms, assumptions, and vision. A company’s culture will determine how you relate with its workers and administrative staff. Ensure the company’s culture sits well with you. Your beliefs, values, and personality can help you decide whether the company is suitable for you.
2. Benefits Package
Before you sign that employment agreement, assess the company’s employee benefits package so that you can avoid surprises later. Employee benefits are as crucial as the salary itself. They save you a lot of money based on each employee’s needs, so having options is important such as these options.
Some of the essential benefits that a company should assign its employees are:
- Health Insurance Benefits
- Overtime Pay
- Vacation Time
- Travel Costs
- Annual Leave Days
- Sick Days
- Pension
- Transport
- Maternity and Paternity Leave
Apart from ensuring the company has a benefits package, assessing if the package is suitable is crucial. For example, the premiums the company pays if you get injured in a workplace, the number of pension contributions the company makes, and a sick allowance.
3. Reputation and Company’s Stability
Would you want to work for a company that is on its knees or has been recently declared bankrupt? I bet you would not want that. You would want to work for a company with a strong financial performance, or otherwise, how sure would you be that they will pay you? You would also want to work for a company that has a good reputation. A stable, financially strong, and reputable company is likely to open its doors for many years and expand.
4. Career Progression
Not many people are ambitious about reaching the highest point in their careers. However, if you are that person who wants to climb up the ladder in your career, then you should ensure the job offer you are about to accept has room for your career progression. Otherwise, you will blindly accept the job offer only to desperately seek ways to leave.
Ensure the job you are being offered will challenge you, expose you to various skills and experiences, and enable you to grow. You can know if a company is suitable for your career path by assessing its record of internal promotions.
5. Working Hours
Do not accept a job offer without knowing how many hours you will be required to work per day or week. Working for short or long hours has its advantages and disadvantages. If a company requires you to work for long hours, you will be eligible for more compensation.
However, you will lack time to socialize and be with your family in addition to experiencing health complications. Short working hours allow you to engage in other money-generating activities and socialize and be with your family.
Featured Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash