Barking is one form of communication for dogs. Most people are pleased that their dogs bark because it alerts them to people approaching their house or the dog’s needs. However, sometimes barking can be excessive. Before you purchase a trainer, like Barx Buddy, you need to understand the different reasons dogs bark.
1. Territory Defense
Dogs often bark when people or other animals are approaching their territory. Your dog’s territory will typically include your house, car, walking area, and any other locations that he or she spends time.
2. Alarm
If a dog barks at noises or sights regardless of what it is, he or she is probably barking in alarm. You can tell if this is a problem because your dog will stiffen up and slowly start to creep towards the source of alarm as they bark. It can be identified from territory defense because the dog will start barking at potential threats anywhere, not just when they are in their claimed area.
3. Attention Seeking
Sometimes dogs bark repetitively at people and other animals because they want attention or rewards. This barking type can often indicate if your dog wants food, a toy, or to play.
4. Greeting
If you notice that your dog is excited, relaxed, and wagging his tail but still barking at a person or other animal, chances are it is a greeting. You can tell if this bark is simply a greeting because excited whines will often accompany it.
5. Compulsion
Some dogs bark repetitively because they suffer from a compulsive disorder. Also known as nuisance barking, this behavior can be identified because compulsive, repetitive movements often accompany it. People often have a hard time rectifying nuisance barking on their own, and most try to hire a trainer.
6. Socializing
Some dogs bark excessively when they hear neighborhood dogs start to bark. This type of barking can be a form of socializing between dogs, even if they are over long distances.
7. Frustration
Dogs often bark when they are placed in frustrating situations. For instance, if your dog only barks when it is kept from a playmate or placed in a kennel that restricts its movements, it could be frustrated.
8. Illness
Barking can also be a response to pain. Therefore, it is a good idea to get a dog that has suddenly started barking checked by a vet before trying to correct its behavior.
9. Separation Anxiety
Barking dogs who only are excessive when their owner is gone or are left alone will likely have separation anxiety. This behavior is often identified by accompanying traits that only occur when the owner leaves and the dog is alone, such as pacing, destruction, urination, depression, or stress. Like compulsion, this problem can be difficult to solve and may require a professional dog trainer’s help.
If your dog is barking excessively, you will probably want to stop that habit. However, before you can address the problem, you need to identify what is causing it—understanding the different reasons dogs bark can help you identify the cause.
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