Home Entertainment A Gentleman at the Casino: Do’s and Don’ts

A Gentleman at the Casino: Do’s and Don’ts

Whilst the emergence of online casino has done wonders for young and inexperienced gamblers alike, it has also caused its fair share of problems. This is especially the case when these keyboard warriors decide to make the transition from online to offline. It is undeniably beneficial to hone your gambling skills online before entering the high-pressure environment of a land-based casino but, in some cases, the lack of experience in these environments and the lack of knowledge surrounding etiquette can lead to trouble.


by  TheCulinaryGeek 

When spinning the online roulette table or flipping digital cards, how you conduct yourself does not matter much. Not only are the majority of players’ reactions and behavior hidden behind a computer screen, but questionable conduct within these more limited interactions is generally more tolerated because of the nature of the format. However, in land-based casinos, particularly those of a more historical or traditional nature, the manner in which you conduct yourself is much more important. Higher standards are expected.

Therefore, to help those entering the land-based casino world for the first time, here are some helpful tips to ensure that you are a gentleman in this new and exciting gambling landscape.

Don’t Bend The Rules

It is very difficult to play fast and loose with the rules when gambling online. The digital apparatuses in place intrinsically prohibit this. However, in land-based casinos, it is far easier to unfairly use the real-world setting to your advantage. Hollywood star Ben Affleck was recently banned for life from the Hard Rock in Vegas for counting cards. Let Ben be a lesson to you. Trying to get an unfair advantage is not only morally wrong but will likely end in your quick and shameful exit from your establishment of choice! However, plenty of online casino education resources can help you understand and master the rules of casino games. So, there is absolutely no reason at all to cheat at casinos.

Do Dress For The Occasion

Even if a casino does not have a dress code, why come to such a historically classy and cool location and not dress to impress? Even a casual blazer or sharp shirt will not only make you feel more confident and assured, but it will also enhance the impression you give your fellow gamblers. Moreover, if you are a poker fiend, do not be afraid to wear sunglasses or other forms of expression shielding accessories. You may feel silly, but many top pros swear by this method, which is a perfectly acceptable addition to your strategy.

Don’t Trash Talk

When you are separated from your opponents by vast cyberspace, it is easy to let your mouth run wild. Moreover, it is okay to let the banter flow when playing a relaxed game of poker with friends. However, when playing against strangers in a land-based casino, such verbal sparring is not appropriate in most instances. Many players like to remain completely silent to retain their poker face; it is unfair and rude to try and disrupt this. While some argue this underhand tactic is fair game, for most, it is wholly unacceptable.

Do Have A Drink

Whilst it is not recommended that you drink heavily whilst gambling, one or two drinks will not only add to your enjoyment but might actually improve your chances. Taking the edge off your nerves and somewhat diluting the pressure on you without dulling your mental sharpness is something a well-shaken martini can give you. After all, if it works for James Bond…