Investing in your education is always a good choice and, with the right degree, you might achieve great things with your career.
Many students spend a lot of time thinking about which degrees they should pursue and it’s an important choice in their educational journey. It might be a great choice to pursue a Global MBA as a career option.
When you leave your educational institution, it’s important that you can actually fulfill your dreams with a degree in your hand. If you have a specific career goal in mind, then you need to spend your time at school wisely and pursue a degree that can propel you forward.
What Is A Global MBA, Anyway?
A Global MBA is a degree with a highly international focus. Your fellow students might be from countries all over the globe, and you might even need to travel overseas to obtain your Global MBA.
In your studies, you’ll focus more on international business rather than domestic business. Because everything is so interconnected in today’s world, a Global MBA could be a major asset for anyone entering this digitally connected business world.
While Global MBAs are definitely respected across the world, you’ll need to do tons of research to find the right MBA. Companies might be willing to hire the right candidates who hold Global MBAs, but only if they graduated from a respected school with an innovative and relevant programme.
What Can You Do With A Global MBA?
That all sounds pretty amazing… But we still haven’t answered the most important question: What can you actually do with a Global MBA? What type of career is possible if you hold this degree? Here are some possibilities for those who graduate with this internationally focused certification:
- Global Management Consultant – This is a great career option for Global MBA graduates. Global management consultants work with companies to improve every aspect of their business. This includes financial, marketing and IT aspects. Aside from private companies and corporations, you might also find work in certain government agencies while working under this role. You’ll mostly be focusing on optimizing business processes by reducing costs and figuring out the best way to allocate resources. This type of career places a huge emphasis on Information Technology (IT), and other technologically advanced skills, so make sure your programme covers this subject matter if you want to pursue this career path.
- Multinational Marketing Manager – This is a great option if you envision yourself taking companies to the next level. With the rise of the digital era and globalisation, many companies are starting to expand into the international business arena. To optimise this new direction, they’ll often hire multinational marketing managers to guide their path. As a multinational marketing manager, you’ll be spending a lot of time identifying international trends. This requires tons of analytical skills, as you’ll need to seriously crunch those numbers. You’ll also need to combine these analytical skills with creative marketing skills. This is a six-figure income job, and demand for these skilled individuals is steadily rising.
- International Trade Policy Advisor – If you see helping small and medium businesses, then becoming an international trade policy advisor might be an ideal path for you. With a Global MBA, you’ll find it relatively easy to work with these businesses as they develop a winning trade policy. You’ll help these companies find overseas trading partners as they import or export products. You’ll sit at the negotiating table and oversee most transactions. Because of the nature of this business, a deep knowledge of the international business world is key.
- Global Supply Chain Manager – Keeping an eye on supply chains is one of the most challenging aspects of any business, and you could help businesses with this difficult task with your Global MBA. As a global supply chain manager, you’ll help identify and develop winning supply chain strategies for companies. You’ll help your clients search for reliable international vendors, and your input could help them reach much higher profit margins. In this role, you’ll need a strong understanding of supply and demand, as managing inventory is quite the balancing act.
The Importance of Learning New Languages
In addition to your studies, you might want to focus on learning new languages to give yourself an even greater advantage when you graduate and search for opportunities.
Chinese, Russian, Japanese, and Spanish are all some of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and you never know what type of networking opportunities might arise when you can speak any of these languages.
Career paths associated with Global MBAs almost always involve international trade and business dealing. Learning another language will be immensely useful when negotiating and communicating on behalf of your company.
While your Global MBA programme might place an emphasis on international communication, it might be a good idea to learn an additional language outside of your studies, such as Mandarin Chinese.