Great types of fun and lucrative cannabis businesses exist now that can provide money and pleasure.
Most individuals only associate a cannabis business with the growing and distribution of this legal drug to medical clinics. While this is the most lucrative endeavor, it is the most complex as the regulations and legalities are complex. Add to that the high start-up costs, the timeframe that is extensive before a profit is seen, and this type of business is not for everyone. No one should give up the hope of having a cannabis business, however, as there are at least ten good alternatives to the growth and distribution model, which can feel more like a hobby than a business yet bring a good amount of income. As with every other type of business; however, patience is needed as success is not immediate for any business venture. We will start with ten possible business ideas for a simple yet lucrative cannabis business. Remember, though, that many opportunities exist out there and if none of these appeals to you, keep researching until you find out one that does. We will touch on different kinds here according to personality and skill sets that might help decide what type of cannabis business ideas might make you want to leave your day job.
1. The techie type business idea.
There is equipment in the cannabis industry that provides the water and light at just the right amounts needed for optimal cannabis growth. Called AgTech, these machines make a great choice for someone who loves tech and is a good salesman as it is a lucrative-type business if enough sales are made. All cannabis growers seek the best aqua tech equipment and light supply equipment. AgTech products cover both and are in great demand. Many types of these products exist, and a tech type person will enjoy learning and selling this type of equipment. Water treatment products even exist, and a tech-savvy person can sell many types of AgTech products and equipment to all cannabis growers and distributors.

2. The foodie type business idea.
If you love cooking, edible cannabis is a trending-type business idea. Look up all types of recipes, both main dishes and desserts, and research into the types and amounts of marijuana that can be added to recipes safely, and then cook foods that others will purchase from you. There are some food safety regulations in regions and states. It is wise to get the proper health certifications and inspections before traversing into this type of cannabis business.
3. The art type business idea.
Cannabis lovers enjoy doing artistic things while they smoke their joints. Teach an art class and invite others to it for a price. They supply their own cannabis, and everyone learns how to draw, paint, or sketch while they leisurely smoke! This is a fun business overall, and all you need is the ability to teach even simple art. Charge whatever you like and have as large or small a group as you want. Have everyone tell their friends, and before you know it, you have a burgeoning business.
4. The adventure type business idea.
This is an unusual adventure type of business, but it revolves around arranging bike tours through cannabis growing farms or production locations. People who love biking and outdoor adventures love these excursions, and seeing how cannabis is grown and produced is educational. Have a plan where to go and when to stop and enjoy the locations and arrange several per week for a nice income. Charges can be as high or as low as the local region will mandate. Research the correct pricing and advertise online to save even more costs. No bike enthusiasts? NO PROBLEM! Think of walking tours. These can be just as popular, and tourists can meet at the locations chosen just as bikers would.
5. The body product business idea.
Cannabis and even cannabis oils have been known to smooth skin and relieve bodily aches and pains. Some products must be purchased initially but can be bought wholesale and sold at a retail price. Love of body products makes this a great business for those that enjoy pampering themselves. Many products are also scented, and parties can be held in which products are tried and then purchased. This is akin to any other type of large-scale beauty and body product suppliers out there that provide Affiliate programs to their members. You can start a newsletter about new products and have specials, drawing individuals into this type of business. You can also offer a subscription service per monthly fee and offer gift baskets of body products.
6. The catering idea business.

This is tied into the foodie business model. Only the focus is on catering to large and small gatherings. Offer various foods that contain cannabis and taste good, and the business will roll right along. As with the foodie business, make sure all health and safety regulations and licensing are in place before starting the business.
7. The cooking course idea business.
Do you not want to cook all the food yourself or do all the work yourself? Do you enjoy teaching others to cook? With the popularity of cannabis, food cooking courses are trending, and you do not need the licensing and regulations for this type of idea as others prepare their own food! It’s fun and educational, and everyone has a great time, usually during the cooking course. Offer as many courses per month or week as you want. Success here depends upon simple recipes that most individuals can produce.
8. Culinary and wine pairing idea business.

Love wine as well as cannabis? Host wine and cannabis pairing and tasting parties. Individuals bring their own cannabis, and you provide a selection of wines that you feel will highlight the cannabis. This is the ultimate in simple yet enjoyable business ideas. Charge a fee for admission to cover the costs of the wine and make a profit for yourself.
9. Merchandise shopping business idea.
This is a variation of a personal shopper. Offer shopping for cannabis services to groups or individuals and charge for your time and the product. All you need do is look for quality suppliers, pick out what the customer is seeking, and deliver it. There is nothing more needed, and this is one of the quickest, most convenient methods of cannabis business ideas.
10. The socialization business idea.
Just like clubs and bars, cannabis users like to smoke with others. Start your own little club in your home or at another indoor or outdoor location, spread the word, and charge an entry fee at the door. Cannabis users bring their own marijuana, just as some clubs have a BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze) type of model. No-fuss or muss with this one, although some security might be a good idea to have on hand in case of arguments or issues when strangers gather.
Whatever you choose, pick what you enjoy. We provided ten enjoyable cannabis business ideas that may make you want to quit your job. Dozens of others exist, so explore all possibilities.
Featured Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels