Home Advice A Special Set Up: Helpful Hints for Enjoying a Blind Date

A Special Set Up: Helpful Hints for Enjoying a Blind Date

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Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

You’ve been single for some time and have tried online dating sites to no avail. Your friend wants to set-you-up on a blind date, yet you’re unsure how you feel about it. The potential to meet a love interest is exciting but you’ve heard horror stories about those who walked blindly into a date only to want to run away screaming in the other direction. Here are some helpful hints so you can enjoy your blind date.

Make a Call

It will be a lot less awkward for both parties if you make a phone call before the date happens. You still won’t know what they look like (unless you’ve seen pictures) but at least you can glean a bit of their personality. Plus, you can talk about each other’s likes and dislikes, which helps plan the place to meet, and if things go well, what to do from there.

Be Inquisitive

Some feel nervous on a blind date. What will you talk about!? However, in some regards knowing less about the person going in means there’s more to discuss. Imagine you’re researching them for a biography. Ask about where they grew up, their present interests, why they chose their profession, etc. Most people appreciate the opportunity to talk about themselves. Plus, it provides a chance to find common ground and similar interests.

Be Respectful

Even if you don’t think it’s going to be a love connection, being respectful speaks volumes about how you feel and think about yourself. Open doors, smile, be polite and treat them the way you would like to be treated by someone you potentially like, for they may really like you despite your lukewarm interest for them. Also, you never know; they may have a friend who is perfect for you. If you’re respectful, it’s likely they would introduce you to a friend. Otherwise, they are likely to tell people how rude you are.

Hide the Phone

Most own smartphones and take it with them wherever they go. It’s encouraged to have your smartphone with you when meeting a stranger for safety’s sake. But, a blind date is not the time to check Twitter accounts, post to Facebook, or text back the guy or girl you went on a date with last week. It’s awfully rude to use your phone in front your date or use time on the date to check social media, the Web, etc.


Avoid Loaded Topics

Loaded topics are ones that get people excited, passionate, and in some cases, defensive. Such topics include politics, religion, and proposed laws (pro vs anti-abortion for instance). Down the road, if this is the person you should spend your life with, it’s likely that you will cross the threshold of some intense topics. A blind date is not a platform for political or religious discussion.

Stay Sober

There’s nothing wrong with having a drink or two to loosen up but you don’t want to get hammered drunk on the blind date. It gives a poor first impression like that’s a regular night out for you. If the other person is a big drinker, you don’t have to keep up with them, especially if you’re driving. Staying sober allows you to get to know the other person better and won’t confuse you into thinking you like someone though you’re just feeling the effects of the alcohol. Some drink due to a lack of confidence related to their weight, hair, etc. Read about Surethik Hair Thickening Fibers to regrow thicker hair.

Don’t Come On Too Strong

If you like them, be patient. The most forward thing you can do is let them know you would like to see them again. You don’t want to appear too aggressive, such as inviting the person back to your home or apartment on the first date. If there’s a spark, then you’ll have plenty of time for intimacy and getting to know them. Otherwise, you could turn them off or make them think that you’re just going out with people to have sex.

Plan an Activity

A blind date is going to provide an opportunity for conversation, yet it is a lot of pressure to talk if you’re just sitting face to face at a cafe or dinner. Alternatively, an activity makes things a bit more relaxed, since others may be present and your attention is a bit divided. For example, take your date on a tour of the city or ride bicycles along a body of water. However, you don’t want to pick something so intensive that you don’t get a chance to really talk.

SureThik Inc President Nick Dimakos, B.A. After receiving a degree in General studies at York University in Toronto, Canada, Nick began his career in the hair restoration industry from 1987-2015. Nick managed a large US Hair Restoration chain from 1986-1994 and then went on to open his own chain of medical hair restoration and hair replacement centers in Ontario, Canada. The initial Surethik product line was created to augment and improve the results of existing clientele, but the product was so popular among users that it went on to become the basis and initial product line for Surethik INC. Later on, the Surethik product line was expanded to include hair loss shampoo, conditioners, scalp treatments and most recently eyebrow enhancing products. Nick was born and still resides in Toronto Canada at present.